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The Ministries
1 Hits, Last modified:
robes, sometimes with a Ministry coloured stripe between the gold stripes. - **Cardinal** (60 a
The Theocracy's History
3 Hits, Last modified:
The main Church presence was in Templeton, which became the centre of a revolution to redress the bal... force ten times their number for two days despite being surrounded. In the end the Paladins were reduc... as it looked like the Sir Waldo's Paladins would be overwhelmed and defeated the main Church Army tur
40 Hits, Last modified:
fair play make it an absolute joy to watch. Even better fun is playing the game! What other sport giv... as your defenders, but the most fearless ought to be the stool-keeper as the 'keeper cannot flinch whe... ld play in the mid part of the field as they will be the fastest to the ball and may even score from t... o are the most skilful with the paddle and should be capable of hitting an unguarded stool from the ot
The Theocracy of Daprav
4 Hits, Last modified:
the population lives in small villages which can be found every three to five miles or so. There are ... at's assuming that they could tell the difference between it and a God-given miracle. None of the PCs ... hat manage to penetrate into the interior tend to be escorted firmly back to where they belong. The [[:daprav:characters|PCs]] come from the coastal dist
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