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Orange or Lemon? - The Cast @rules:clwg:1689:people
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f there are insufficient players for all roles to be filled for that player group. A minimum of four... ordon and historically chosen as the interlocutor between the Convention and the Castle for this reaso
The Other Side of the COIN
9 Hits, Last modified:
ther Side of the COIN ====== Or what makes people become insurgents? This is a game first played on S... guide to Islam}} - some background on Islam, key beliefs and some of the bits that could be relevant to those living in a conflict zone. Of necessity hug... iption ===== This is a game to explore why people become insurgents (or perhaps not). Most of the pla
The Pashtun Tribe @rules:clwg:coin
13 Hits, Last modified:
al institutions. They warn that the country would be thrown into the hands of myriad tribal militias t... .1 million in 1995). The most numerous sub-groups being the Durrani and the Ghilzai. Like a number of other Afghan ethnic groups, the Pushtun extend beyond Afghanistan into Pakistan where they constitu... heartland roughly covers a large crescent-shaped belt following the Afghan-Pakistani border on the ea
Who Are the Taliban @rules:clwg:coin
3 Hits, Last modified:
ound guilty of theft. Men were required to grow beards and women had to wear the all-covering burka.... to school. The Taliban in Afghanistan are still believed to be led by Mullah Omar, a village clergyman who lost his right eye fighting the occupying for
Awa' to the Hills @rules:clwg:1689
19 Hits, Last modified:
Orange or Lemon? @rules:clwg:1689
10 Hits, Last modified:
ntion in the Spring of [[wp>1689]]. The game has been play-tested once at the 2007 [[http://www.clwg.... Weekend, refinements to the game mechanisms have been included on the relevant pages. More detailed s... s these have player-specific objectives that work best of the other players haven't read them)) need to be prepared to allow for a few more uncommitted play
Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics @rules:clwg:1689
23 Hits, Last modified:
rs. ===== Turn Sequence ===== - Morning (i.e. before the Convention sits) - Arriving/leaving E... support for either faction (with the middle lane being undecided). The other axis is just to differentiate each of the pairs of cards that will be played. ==== Set up ==== There will be twenty playing cards that form ten matched pairs each with t
Duke of Hamilton @rules:clwg:1689:people
1 Hits, Last modified:
Orange or Lemon? - General Briefing @rules:clwg:1689
18 Hits, Last modified:
as King((technically they invited his daughter to be the queen but Prince William insisted on being the King and not a prince consort)). The relevance o... m's army. A large number of defections took place before the King decided to disband the armies rather... empts to persuade William not to proceed. When it became clear that William was still coming James thr
The Three Estates @rules:clwg:1689:convention
11 Hits, Last modified:
[wiki>commoner]] or member of the lower nobility. Because the parliament of Scotland was unicameral, a... James VI]] ascended to the English throne. It was believed that the universities were affected by the
Orange or Lemon? - Design Notes @rules:clwg:1689
7 Hits, Last modified:
====== ===== Player Roles ===== Players would be the leaders of the two main factions plus a coupl... in the streets overmuch. It focusses on the deals being made in the Convention and the efforts of [[:r... Convention to vote the correct way. There should be several ways to achieve this including stirring u... ublic opinion. The NPC convention members will be tracked using playing cards. Red for James, Black
George Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon @rules:clwg:1689:people
5 Hits, Last modified:
vice with the French and Prince William of Orange before returning to Scotland. Although unassuming and unambitious he has risen from being the Marquis of Huntly to a Dukedom (in 1684 on... flicts of Scottish politics. His preference would be to retire to the continent where he could live his life in peace. He had been on the point of surrendering the castle in Febr
John Graham of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee @rules:clwg:1689:people
3 Hits, Last modified:
not terribly devout ===== Military Service ===== Began in 1672, as a Lieutenant in Sir William Lockha... extreme Covenanting party. The king seems to have been fascinated by his loyal supporter, and from tha... command to General Douglas in the army which had been ordered to England to aid the falling dynasty o
Act Declaring the Scottish Convention a Free and Lawful Meeting @rules:clwg:1689:convention
10 Hits, Last modified:
March 16, 1689 A printed version of the text can be found on pages 1 and 2 of The acts & orders of th... f the estates of the kingdom of Scotland held and begun at Edinburgh, the 14th day of March, 1689, Edi... nth presented to the meeting of the Estates, they before opening thereof declare and enact that, notwithstanding of anything that may be contained in that letter for dissolving them or i
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