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The Alpins
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s:daels:alpin:Iain735|Iain]] (39, born 735) third son, distinguished himself in battle. Currently comm... though tragedy struck within a month of his first son Uilleam being born. At the time many feared that... of nobles of Bernicia when he attempted to march south to claim that throne on the death of his broth... ther made. Still, it would be nice if he showed some appreciation for the sacrifices that the Earl m
The Nobles of Dael Riata
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n families that are Dukes or Earls of Dael Riata. Some of these are older than others, and you can usu
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata
3 Hits, Last modified:
:skyss:chars:rojden|Skyssian merchant]] who spent some time in Dael Riata before escaping. ==== Titl... [[:skyss:places:dealriata|Dael Riata]] and it has some of the most fertile farmland. On top of that th... anald]] - A cadet branch and very loyal, although some have questions around how the previous Earl, Bh
Bhaltair Gilranald
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Bhaltair Gilranald is the Earl of Norpen, and for some time regent of Dael Riata during the minority o... aels:Alasdair_Ranald]], descended from the second son of King Alasdair III. The ancestral home is Ca... ), is second and currently betrothed to the elder son of the [[:skyss:chars:daels:ahearn|Earl of Sudda... them, and the tradition takes time to establish. Some 25 years on there are signs of it returning, bu
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