====== T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited ====== dateline 3208.350 The First Minister addressed the Senate today to inform them that a Full Audit was under way in Q6. ===== Full Speech ===== Senators, It is my duty to inform you that the First Citizen has personally authorised an Imperial Warrant for a Full Audit in Quadrant Six. Earlier this year naval intelligence reported that, in addition to his other actions, Governor Armstrong had ordered the mobilisation of a significant military infrastructure in Q6. Without reference to Q0, he ordered the mobilisation of the Marches HQ and the unlawful construction of a military class shipyard in Q6. He also appears to have rescinded orders by the First Minister for the 22nd Battle Fleet to return to Q0 on his own authority. An emergency meeting with the First Citizen was convened with senior representatives of the Navy, IAO, and the Privy Council. At this meeting, held on 3208.215, a Full Audit was initiated. As is the normal protocol for Full Audits the decision was kept secret to ensure operational security and to prevent any cover up. The First Citizen, "A", the First Lord of the Admiralty and the Deputy First Minister have signed a 250 day digital Imperial Warrant ordering the immediate recall of all three Battle Fleets (14, 21 and 22) currently in Q6 to Q0, and a "Full Audit" of Governor Armstrong as Colonial Governor and Admiral Tendashi of the 6th Colonial Fleet under suspicion of "acts against the interests of the Imperium", and specifically the illegal construction of a shipyard in Q6. The bearers of the Warrant will take interim control of Q6 until the Full Audit is complete. Governor Armstrong will then resume control unless he has been found guilty of serious misconduct whilst in high public office. The Full Audit Commission are: * Senator Kowloon (retired Admiral) * Deputy Director van Helsing (IAO) * Admiral Puzo (Q6 CINC designate) This "triumvirate" will use 11th and 12th Battle Fleets (temporarily withdrawn from the CHIF) and the IAO Special Audit Fleet Battle Fleet together with the Q6 IAO ISB on Weygand. Admiral Philips 21st BF has been informed of the content of the warrant and has been instructed to assist with the Full Audit. We are expecting initial situation reports from the IAO special audit squadron in the next few days. The media blackout imposed by the Full Audit rules will be lifted from immediate effect and we will endeavour to publish our situation reports once we are certain that there is no breach to operational security by doing so. {{tag>news T75 Q6 Earth FullAudit IAO IEN Armstrong}} ~~DISCUSSION~~