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Chairman William Jackson
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at they are an anti-piracy weapon.) Jackson has supported the Alliance's traditionally close ties wit... s Alliance into a closer union. Jackson has also supported the expansion of the FWA and greater solida
Stephen Bailey
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Thompson Bequerel
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Lady Aelfreda Pasco
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Senator Danso Ashanti
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erium. ===== Biographical Details ===== Danso Tupac Ashanti is descended from a military family hav... has had a distinguished career in the IEN ending up as the First Space Lord. Highlights of his caree... lee_zhang|Lee Zhang]] government. Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti comes from a long line of distinguished... 6. ===== Record in Senate ===== He is a strong supporter of the Armed Forces and a proponent of furt
Morris Miller
6 Hits, Last modified:
tion, and was a businessman afterwards. He is of upper middle class circumstances. === Distinguishin... e is no Alphie) which gives him a strong base of support regardless, and he is considered by most comm... e also promised a greater anti-crime and anti-corruption effort and promised a program of subsidies to... ued to hammer away at Potato on the issues of Corruption, Crime, and Natural Rights. In the later week
Brittany Hevanitski
2 Hits, Last modified:
NV Quadrant four forces under on suspicion of corruption and complicity in organized piracy. She was r... evanitski was unhappy that the Government didn't support her more. She always insisted that her arrest
Micheal Wilson
1 Hits, Last modified:
Hermione Xen
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==== Career History ===== Xen became High Admiral upon the retirement of High Admiral Jackson. Xen com
Robert Stassen Jr.
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People listed by Occupation
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====== People listed by Occupation ====== This lists people by current and previous occupations. Admiral, Marine, Diplomat, Politician, Mi... ist, historian pirate captain ===== Military Occupations ===== ==== Admirals ==== {{topic>Admiral}}
Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH
8 Hits, Last modified:
Branch of the IEN in 3195 with a view to building up sufficient service credits to complete her studie... om which she bled profusely. She managed to crawl up the stairs and out of the dug out and crawled alo... ddy) "road" until she stumbled across a dugout occupied by Lt. Charles Wray of the Emperor's Loyal Reg... shell splinters had been removed she was patched up. She regained consciousness and she spoke to a Co
Yehudi Sharan
3 Hits, Last modified:
eer History ===== Instead of waiting for his call-up at 18 for compulsory service Yehudi volunteered f... ill all the command appointments) when a large group of robots was reported on the outer deck of the s... ploits are unknown except that around 3200 he set up with some others as the joint owner of a pirate v
Universe Personalities
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t to list all the personalities that have cropped up in the universe campaign over the last ten years or so. Of course it will only pick up a few of those, but it is a start point. There ... ple. * [[Nationality]] * [[Quadrant]] * [[Occupation]] * [[Surname]] {{tag>universe meta}}
Frank Buck
3 Hits, Last modified:
was Op Fenrir at Flypaper where he commanded B Group (as temp Major) and lead one of the main thrusts ... year tour. The highlight of this was leading B Group (as a temporary Major) during the Marine Assault ... one fatally. * Gunshot wounds (healed) on right upper torso (chest wound on Cavalry 3190, civil war)
Jack Rackham
2 Hits, Last modified:
Lord Stephen Bailey
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Hilmi Ozkok
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Senator Lee Zhang
6 Hits, Last modified:
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Firstname Surname
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