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Percentage, Q8
2 Hits, Last modified:
y ===== The system was originally settled by a group of Yendorian Clewgists from Earth in 3022. Initia... ercentage, having been settled by the original group of Yendorian Clewgists in the hope that they coul
10 Hits, Last modified:
sts, 5% Church of Elvis and 5% other religious groups. ===== Government ===== In theory, Z155 is a R... Its leader is David Spart, and it is largely made up of Satanists. The FTP briefly gained control of t... themselves. The Corps has also been used to round up “subversives and criminals,” mostly minority religious groups. \\ The Crusader Corps is supplemented by a smal
Spuk, Q8
2 Hits, Last modified:
face of the planet with a very few other minor groups of settlers. In total there were about 400,000 p... to diversify from the minerals production and set up a subsidiary to establish a coastal settlement in
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