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National Police
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they have reasonable suspicions. PACE has been updated, and the replacement [[:perfects:natpol:rope
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045
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only referred to as RoPE 45. The regulations were updated following the UKIP manifesto commitment from
22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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other two, and although no specific record showed up for him he clearly had experience of police inter
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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pector Howard]] took a Constable with him to pick up Mrs Schepping in the early evening of 22 April. O
Operation Hawkeye
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GM branch ([[:perfects:natpol:ct12g|CT12G]]) set up in 2046, was personally briefed by the Home Secre... ts:natpol:hawkeye:frencharrest|French police pick up three UK nationals]] behaving suspiciously at the... | | 23:30 \\ 22 April | East London | A further update from drone operations informs the team that there is a high bandwidth satellite uplink coming from the roof space of the Chan addres
Eurostar Arrests @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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Arrests ===== On 23rd April French police picked up three people acting suspiciously at Gare du Nord
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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en Home Secretary (Chastity Woodham, CON) brought up the matter of the genetically modified children w... branch ([[:perfects:natpol:ct12g|CT12G]]) was set up in 2046. ===== Targets ===== Those responsible f
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spite the reputation CT12G have the highest clear up rate in CT and none of their convictions have bee
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