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Awa' to the Hills @rules:clwg:1689
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Orange or Lemon? @rules:clwg:1689
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Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics @rules:clwg:1689
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ention. Each of the phases represents a period of up to six hours. ===== Turn Sequence ===== - Mor... he pairs of cards that will be played. ==== Set up ==== There will be twenty playing cards that form... he arithmetic faster, only those that don't match up need be counted. * those in the undecided lane... ied. In this vote all the cards are turned face up. The votes are tallied as follows: * red cards
Duke of Hamilton @rules:clwg:1689:people
1 Hits, Last modified:
Orange or Lemon? - Design Notes @rules:clwg:1689
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e several ways to achieve this including stirring up public support; private persuasion; speeches in t
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