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skyss:characters [12 Jun 2018 19:29] – [Elsewhere] jamesskyss:characters [31 Mar 2024 21:06] (current) – [People on Straven] james
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 I haven't named every one of the people on [[:skyss:places:straven]], but some of the more notable ones are: I haven't named every one of the people on [[:skyss:places:straven]], but some of the more notable ones are:
   * [[:skyss:chars:Arne|Arne the Slow]] - the steersman on the boat, de facto second in command to [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]]   * [[:skyss:chars:Arne|Arne the Slow]] - the steersman on the boat, de facto second in command to [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]]
-  * [[:skyss:chars:Alwilda]] - Arne'wife+  * [[:skyss:chars:Alwilda]] - Arne'partner
   * [[:skyss:chars:olaf]] - one of the boat crew   * [[:skyss:chars:olaf]] - one of the boat crew
-  * [[:skyss:chars:helga-red|Helga the Red]] - Old Bjorn'wife+  * [[:skyss:chars:helga-red|Helga the Red]] - Old Bjorn'partner
   * [[:skyss:chars:Leif]] - another member of the boat crew   * [[:skyss:chars:Leif]] - another member of the boat crew
   * [[:skyss:chars:Birgitta]] - member of the boat crew   * [[:skyss:chars:Birgitta]] - member of the boat crew
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   * [[:skyss:chars:oddmundr]] - Yngvild's father, the previous wielder of [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]]   * [[:skyss:chars:oddmundr]] - Yngvild's father, the previous wielder of [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]]
   * [[:skyss:chars:rojden]] - Noren's thoroughly disreputable father   * [[:skyss:chars:rojden]] - Noren's thoroughly disreputable father
-  * [[:Skyss:chars:major_duerte]] - Major Duerteanother young dark haired man with a swarthy skin tone. He looked slim and fit, and was dressed in a tight-fitting blue tunic covered in silver lace that looped across his chest and stomache around two rows of silver buttons that formed a V from his waist to shouldersHe had tightly fitted pine green trews on, with brown leather reinforcing the seat and inner thighs. The trews had a line of silver lace either side of the seams. This was all set off with a silver embroidered waist belt with a curved sword in a shiny metal scabbard. On his head he wore a conical helmet with a brim, cheek pieces and a wide neck flap. The cheek pieces were tied up just behind a white horse hair tuft on the top of the helmet. +  * [[:Skyss:chars:major_duerte]] - Cottalem Horse Guards officerassigned to escort Yngvild 
 +Full list of Characters with a page 
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-{{tag>skyss_chars noren skyss}}+{{tag>skyss fantasy world-building}}
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