==== Skyss - Story Background ==== This is a web version of the notebook that has the background to my fantasy novel [[https://mybook.to/Fierce|Fierce]] (released 1 May 2024). You can read the first chapter on my blog //'[[https://www.themself.org/2019/12/straven-ya-fiction/|Fierce Ch.1 - Straven]]'//, which is a medium-level fantasy story with relatable female lead and a dash of romance set in a world of my own creation. It's influenced by everything I've ever read, and loosely based on a Norse 10th/11th century blending with some ancient Roman, although the ships are more like 17th/18th century. Skyss is the northern state the main characters come from, but there is a whole world and other states exist, some of which will be linked to here. NB this site is a work in progress and is a means for me to be able to remind myself what I've written so that I stay consistent. Feel free to re-use the material in your own stories (with attribution, and not commercially without permission). If you have comments or observations I would love to hear them, you can contact me via my blog https://www.themself.org/ or email james @ that domain. === Skyss World-Building Notes === * [[pantheon|Pantheon of Skyss]] * [[characters|Main characters]] * [[places|Key Places]] * [[:skyss:places:skyss]] * [[:skyss:places:salicia]] * [[:skyss:places:cottalem]] * [[:skyss:places:daelriata]] * [[other|Other notes]] === The Skyssian Sagas === I've published one full length novel in this world, as well as some short stories. I've also outlined two further novels, and have worked up those outlines with world-building. In due course the stories will get fleshed out to the point where they can also be published. For now this is the list of published works. * [[https://www.themself.org/2021/01/the-mothers-dream-write-club-fantasy/|The Mother's Dream]] - a creation story for the Skyssians, how they ended up with nine gods and how the world was built by the Trolls. * [[https://www.themself.org/2020/07/going-to-sea-write-club/|Going to Sea]] - another early myth of how the [[:skyss:pantheon:kari|Sea Goddess Kari]] got people to worship her, and helped them become seafarers. * [[https://mybook.to/Fierce|Fierce]] (released 1 May 2024). You can read the first chapter on my blog //'[[https://www.themself.org/2019/12/straven-ya-fiction/|Fierce Ch.1 - Straven]]'// * [[https://www.themself.org/2019/02/bjorn-the-beardless-short-story/|Bjorn the Beardless]] - I wrote some backstory for one of the main characters so that I could understand them better. There's a bit more than this, and some of it will work it's way into other stories. ^ [[:skyss:welcome]] ^ [[:skyss:characters]] ^ [[:skyss:places]] ^ [[:skyss:pantheon]] ^ [[:skyss:other]] ^ {{tag>fantasy world-building NaNoWriMo 2016 Noren Skyss}}