Advance Recce Report

[ OOC - At last evening's Full Moon, Mukul volunteered(?) to be Contract Director. He appointed L.M-D as 2IC, Tony S as 3IC and Masumi as QM (that is, Richard did the bean counting). I'll let them report their stuff, but L.M-D's first task was to lead a team of four on an incognito recce of Spuk. The Recce Team was L.M-D, Melanie May, Gillian Sameria and Hiro Nakamura. The team took a commercial flight to Spuk and arrived some 4(?) days before the main party. Oh yeah, and note that Buck Fast Foods is Frank Buck's own company; see Frank's IFU biog. Now read on … ]

To Contract Director Parker, IFU (en route to Spuk)

CC IFU Directors

From Leon Mack-Duff, Recce Team Leader (Allington, Spuk)

Date 3206.320

Recce Team landed at River City 3206.315. Team investigated at River City, then moved on to the settlement at Happy Valley Farm, and finally to Alington [the settlement due south of, and up river from, Happy Valley Farm, at the river junction and forest edge]. Summary of intelligence gained:

Further reconnaissance by flyer to be undertaken when IFU main body arrives.