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Skyss - Story Background
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Board of Trade @skyss:places
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* Political Analysis. This department analyses all the information sent back and advises the [[King]... A sub-department of the Secretariat that takes in all the incoming mail from regional operations, forei... sand Board of Trade outposts across the world, in all significant ports and along trade routes used by
Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness @skyss:pantheon
1 Hits, Last modified:
owledges the other. ===== Appearance ===== Like all the gods Mallfin can change her appearance. She o
Pantheon of Skyss
1 Hits, Last modified:
not to manifest except under extreme conditions - all the pantheons have made tacit agreements to large
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
2 Hits, Last modified:
ed, the Earl's father and his four elder brothers all having being lost at sea when their new flagship ... has been happy to pay, because the young King is all the stronger for it, and has been well tuaght, an
The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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argent A mountain proper shown larger | | | All the shields above have been drawn using [[https:/
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata @skyss:places
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the Daels are impoverished. Many of their towns (all of the successful ones) are fortified, and fortle
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
2 Hits, Last modified:
nd Duke of Reoch, King of Dael Riata, and as such all the Earls of the Kingdom are expected to swear lo... ithech]], and [[:skyss:chars:daels:suibhne]]. * All the Earls have formally sworn allegiance to the K
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