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T99 - First Minister Ashanti's Resignation speech
10 Hits, Last modified:
s is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from th... ming of the second exterminator invasion gives us all a clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity an... Havana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to w... ed the Academy in 2906." "The Imperium has given all of us here in the Senate the most that it can giv
T99 - 3211 Election Results - Council of Senators
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the strengthened Imperial Party who are seeking alliances with smaller groupings over two or more pos
T93 - No Command Economy for Earth
16 Hits, Last modified:
s is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from th... ming of the second exterminator invasion gives us all a clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity an... Havana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to w... ed the Academy in 2906." "The Imperium has given all of us here in the Senate the most that it can giv
T93 - We Are At War
3 Hits, Last modified:
ttle and destroy them. However the enemy recalled all surface units and fled the system before 14BF wer... me and effort to deal with this new incursion. We all need to stand together in the face of our common enemy, and provide all the support that we can to those in the front lin
T83 - Sunshine Fund Established
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p them stay viable. The fund will provide cash to allow the colony management to buy in specialist equi... re it is asked for. There is a presumption that all requests for assistance will be actioned on rapid
T82 - First Minister Condemns Nuclear Attack
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arly not something that we can either condone nor allow to go unpunished. " ===== Atomic Atrocity ===... should be an absolute last resort. Earth calls on all governments to put aside their differences and to
T80 - Ashanti Assures Hookum
3 Hits, Last modified:
st Minister will also be visiting the Free Worlds Alliance who are close neighbours of the imperial sys
T79 - Davo Delight
1 Hits, Last modified:
T78 - Earth Increases Contribution to Long Range Detection Group
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the current requirement. The MDF CSSI are better allocated to the S&B effort underway, and it is sugge
T78 - Q6 Full Audit Report Published
8 Hits, Last modified:
erations on Amoss. We are pleased to be able to allay fears on this score. Cooperation from all local Imperial armed forces and civil bodies was prompt and complete in all cases. Local military and political leaders were ... (from Governor Armstrong and IEN High Command) at all times, and in what he judged to be the best inter
T77 - IEN New Year Honours
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T77 - IEN Promotions and Postings
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ave been promoted and are posted as listed below. All those included have already been notified and hav
T76 - 21st & 22nd Battle Fleets Return to Sol
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rom Macross, Q6 serving aboard the ESS Ben Gurion all three of whom were seriously wounded in action. All three will be receiving awards for exceptional gal... Additionally the First Minister announced that all those serving in the Amoss system for more than 5
T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited
2 Hits, Last modified:
Imperial Warrant ordering the immediate recall of all three Battle Fleets (14, 21 and 22) currently in
T75 - Hope for the Heart of Humanity
6 Hits, Last modified:
T75 - SRE to Withdraw from Treaty of Old London
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T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report
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First Minister Ashanti Leading with Honour
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T74 - President Potato visits Earth
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T72 SSR Navy Commits Piracy on IEN Escorted Vessels
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Earth Imperium Intervention policy announced
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MAFC Diplomats expelled for Spying on First Minister
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New Foreign Minister - Sebastian Rathbone
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate
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New Constructions to 3208.049
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Grand Admiral to Retire
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IEN Construction Plans for 3208
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest
3 Hits, Last modified:
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