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The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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ars:daels:riata|Glasholm]], for thirty-nine years before she died when the old Queen was captured at t... s daughter Raonaid (15, born 759). She is not yet betrothed. - [[:skyss:chars:daels:alpin:Iain735|I... ring and the favourite candidate for the Chair to be established at the university if the Estates approve the Charter. Sean Alpin became the Earl at the age of 2, and was raised in D
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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sian merchant]] who spent some time in Dael Riata before escaping. ==== Titles ==== Alasdair Ranald ... him. He is a great grandson of King Harold VII of Bernicia (reigned 687-711, his grandmother was the s... d. Alasdair V has a strong claim to the throne of Bernicia should the current Queen ([[:skyss:chars:bernicia:eleanor|Eleanor I]] - born 706, reigning sinc
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata @skyss:places
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Riata ====== Dael Riata is a poor land sandwiched between mountains to its North and East, and the Sea... e related but way more prosperous [[:skyss:places:bernicia|Kingdom of Bernicia]]. Riven by centuries of internecine warfare between tribes with a culture of raiding and blood f
Pantheon of Skyss
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Those gods at times manifest themselves and have been known to inter-breed with mortals. Mostly those... very long time unless they are killed. Some have become Gods in their own right, but not of the Nine.... ng to the old legends the Goddesses who choose to bear demi-gods do so within a day of the liaison, several have been left with their mortal father to grow up in the
Skyss - Story Background
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world and other states exist, some of which will be linked to here. NB this site is a work in progress and is a means for me to be able to remind myself what I've written so that I... get fleshed out to the point where they can also be published. For now this is the list of published ... Kari]] got people to worship her, and helped them become seafarers. * [[|Fie
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Board of Trade @skyss:places
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port building in Kronstadt, and again in Knarvik, Beretha and at The Wheel. * Function: the function is to enable trade through better flows of information, and also supporting Sky... ade and that policy is promulgated so that it can be enacted. * Registry. A sub-department of the S... gos and tries to spot trends so that guidance can be given on what might be profitable. Their output i
The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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s:daels:giluilleam.png?200|}} | | fretty vert or below a stag's head proper a tower triple towered celestial azure shown smaller | vert bend sanguine a seagull argent volant in chief a to... [[:skyss:chars:daels:aohnghus|Aonghus]], Earls of Beatham ^ [[:skyss:chars:daels:riata|Riata]], Duke... gilriata.png?200|}} | | per saltire or and gules below one martlett orange volante shown smaller a tr
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
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gs of the [[:skyss:chars:daels:murchadh]] who had been causing trouble for generations. The seat of ... heir. - Ealasaid (14), is second and currently betrothed to the elder son of the [[:skyss:chars:dae... o intercept raiders and keep the prizes. This has been a very good source of income over the last deca... rs:daels:ahearn|Suddal]] both thought that they'd be able to steer him effectively. It turned out that
Skyss's World @skyss:places
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hole world or put lots of detail in, I think it's best to leave some room for what I might need in fut... mostly sea traffic but also some along rivers and between places. The step after that was to fill in a... so went further with the places that would end up being used in my stories. ^ [[:skyss:welcome]]
Aodh MacAodh @skyss:people:daels:macaodh
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h]]. As well as purveying fine wines, ales of the best, and delicacies from across the known world, he is also reputed to be a spy, assassin and smuggler. Born in 739 in Dalr... d pitch both low-born and noble and everywhere in between. ==== Relationships ==== === People === N
King of Skyss @skyss:places
2 Hits, Last modified:
Skyss ===== The King of Skyss is elected, and can be deposed, by nine [[electors]]. The current King... The title is always 'King' but the incumbent can be either male or female. ==== Relationships ====
Yngvild Helgasdotir @skyss:chars
1 Hits, Last modified:
undr]]. Oddmundr weilded [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]] before Yngvild was born. ===== Appearance ===== Yng
Kingdom of Skyss @skyss:places
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ding as the primary activity. Skyss has gone from being a dangerous backwater on questionably viable l
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