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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War
23 Hits, Last modified:
-Z155 War====== The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War began in the eight octant of 3211, between the Republic of Z155 and the Free Worlds Alliance. It was cod... ependent world in Quadrant Eight controlled by members of the First Church of Earth. The First Earther... e and eight. \\ ===== Road to War ===== Violence between the First Earthers and minority Satanists ha
Lamster Summit Meeting
23 Hits, Last modified:
called the Lamster Conference) was a meeting held between the heads of state of each of the eight worl... h the UoX 3. The situation on Lon Chaney 4. Membership of the Human League 5. Application for membership from Deadlock 6. Defence Policy 7. Polit... nion 1. In light of the addition of an eighth member and possible further expansion of the SWDA, it w
After Action Report on the Floralpattern Convoy Ambush, Z155 @universe:7wda:z155war
10 Hits, Last modified:
wo on the edge of the garden and the remainder in between about 40m from the road-line). The 28 HMA in support were around 150m behind us in extended line waiting for the signal to... backed by a technical. The Floralpattern vehicle being in the middle. Further enemy forces were in the house and in a number of sangars and vehicle checkpoints up the road.
43 Hits, Last modified:
= The Diet of Lamster is the main ruling body. Members of the Diet are selected by regional selection ... ttle after the Centauri, of whom it was once a member system. Government is small, and mainly operat... omy has improved recently, largely as a result of being part of a larger trading group. Today it has a Below Average economy. A civilian repair yard owned
5 Hits, Last modified:
= Ankh ====== Ankh is a world in Quadrant 1, a member world of the [[:universe:7wda]]. As of 3211, it ... ially in the FAC. ===== Economy ===== Ankh has a Below Average economy. ===== Military ===== Ankh ma
30 Hits, Last modified:
le bi-cameral and federal government with a 10 member High Council (Hakamim) and 50 member Parliament (Sanhedrin). The current Prime Minister is Moises Po
39 Hits, Last modified:
edom of Movement ==== **To what extent can any member of your population move to any part of your planet (or between systems); without reference to any form of a... ace is closely monitored by the Excise (so called because they'll excise a pound of flesh if they catc... erform and if you aren't up to it don't expect to be employed. The military have very strict entrance
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