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T99 - First Minister Ashanti's Resignation speech
15 Hits, Last modified:
r I draw my dying breath. "My time in office has been spent extending the umbrella of Imperium protec... otect humanity and its freedoms, or do we want to be self-serving oligarchs?" "I don't know about you... 't so that I could have an easy life. I joined up because I believed firmly in the ideals of the Imperium and in public service. I was willing to put my l
T99 - 3211 Election Results - Council of Senators
9 Hits, Last modified:
and heralds a change in the way the Imperium has been operating. ===== Negotiations on First Minister Appointment ===== New members of the Council of Senators have been chosen during the second quarter (by 3211.201). But, unusually no decision has yet been reached on the post of First Minister. This i
T99 - 3211 Election Results - Council of Representatives
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apse of the Republicans as many of the younger members join the Real Republicans supporting calls from
T98 - First Citizen - happy anniversary
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bone's accession. If Rathbone, whose health has been the subject of much recent speculation, is still in office on his 35th Anniversary he will be the second longest serving First Citizen overta
T96 - Earth re-establishes Diplomatic Relations with MAFC
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the University of Old Mars in the Sol system, has been named as Martian Ambassador to Earth. {{tag>
T93 - No Command Economy for Earth
23 Hits, Last modified:
proved ourselves capable of defending those left behind in the Razor Blade War. We lost our way a lit... cknowledgement that we existed so that humans can be free. This has not changed over the years since t... and went into its grip." "My time in office has been spent extending the umbrella of Imperium protec... otect humanity and its freedoms, or do we want to be self-serving oligarchs?" "I don't know about you
T93 - We Are At War
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At War ====== The Earth Empire in Quadrant 6 has been attacked at Doggie, and significant loss of lif... at there is a widespread threat. Enemy bases have been discovered in at least 6 systems in Sector EJ, ... and a significant human fleet from Quadrant 7 has been despatched to deal with these bases and the ene... hed an enemy fleet destroy the orbitals at Doggie before starting an assault landing of the planet. As
T89 - Retirment of Admiral Hamill
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the Battleship Guevera which was his last command before becoming a Rear Admiral. Sir Richard is looking forward to spending some time writing a militar... e exterminator war based on his own experience of being First Deputy to the First Space Lord. He will also be a guest lecturer at the Naval Academies and the H
T83 - Sunshine Fund Established
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at is often a hostile environment. The cash would be granted without obligation at the discretion of t... e there is a clear humanitarian need the help may be offered before it is asked for. There is a presumption that all requests for assistance will be actioned on rapidly and subject only to sufficien
T82 - First Minister Condemns Nuclear Attack
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===== The use of nuclear weapons where there may be civilian casualties is totally unacceptable. Even against military targets nuclear weapons should be an absolute last resort. Earth calls on all gover... nce missions mounted by other polities. Should it be required we are also ready to lend military assis... e recognise that there is a considerable distance between our nearest colonies and Gurmat, so others a
T80 - Ashanti Assures Hookum
7 Hits, Last modified:
n the referendum for the retention of Hookum's membership of the Solar Republic and Earth Empire. While in the Quadrant the First Minister will also be visiting the Free Worlds Alliance who are close n
T79 - Davo Delight
13 Hits, Last modified:
at he was always encouraged when people wanted to belong to the Earth Empire, the heart of humanity.
T78 - First Minister Welcomes Spike to the Family
1 Hits, Last modified:
many people wishing to join together in making a better future for humanity. {{tag>news T78 Spike
T78 - Earth Increases Contribution to Long Range Detection Group
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le for the current requirement. The MDF CSSI are better allocated to the S&B effort underway, and it is suggested that this offer be passed to PM Young for consultation. The GFA S... nal Orders ==== The initial operating forces will be available in the area at the end of 3210, but only the two long range (self supporting) SSXI will be able to commence recce operations until the base
T78 - Q6 Full Audit Report Published
50 Hits, Last modified:
nduct of operations on Amoss. We are pleased to be able to allay fears on this score. Cooperation fr... d among various officials, but no more than would be expected of a thorough audit of Quadrant governance of this type. Appropriate action has been taken by the IAO in these cases. === Admiral ... h Command) at all times, and in what he judged to be the best interests of the Empire. No blame is att
T77 - IEN New Year Honours
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T77 - IEN Promotions and Postings
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T76 - 21st & 22nd Battle Fleets Return to Sol
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T76 - Report of Investigation of Disaster at MR901
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T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited
6 Hits, Last modified:
T75 - Hope for the Heart of Humanity
11 Hits, Last modified:
T75 - SRE to Withdraw from Treaty of Old London
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T75 - First Citizen Welcomes Digger and Z179 to Empire
30 Hits, Last modified:
T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report
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First Minister Ashanti Leading with Honour
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T74 - President Potato visits Earth
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T69 First Minister Lee Zhang Arrested!
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T72 SSR Navy Commits Piracy on IEN Escorted Vessels
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T66 Q0 IEN Official Communiqué - Action at Amoss Q6
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Earth Imperium Intervention policy announced
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MAFC Diplomats expelled for Spying on First Minister
8 Hits, Last modified:
Senator Lee Zhang Cleared
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New Foreign Minister - Sebastian Rathbone
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IEN New Constructions to 3208.149
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate
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New Constructions to 3208.049
9 Hits, Last modified:
New Year at Home for the 22nd!
1 Hits, Last modified:
Grand Admiral to Retire
7 Hits, Last modified:
IEN Construction Plans for 3208
14 Hits, Last modified:
Imperial Party Leadership Latest
10 Hits, Last modified:
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