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Operation Boldly Go - Military
1 Hits, Last modified:
Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel
12 Hits, Last modified:
an Citizen' on its SSR entry documentation, is to be entered by me on to the ship's books of the IEN v... points? 1. What sex is 'Mr Steel' considered to be? Is 'he' male, having a Y-chromosome, or, as it is a machine, neuter? 2. What is considered to be Mr Steel's 'date of birth' for the purposes of ca... , whether accidentally or deliberately, what will be the legal position from the point of view of the
Operation Boldly Go
1 Hits, Last modified:
Naval Warfare School. She understands that it may be necessary to operate without combat robot support
Operation Boldly Go
35 Hits, Last modified:
was pretty much identical, though there appear to be minor visual differences between individuals. ... - but they do have industry on a what appears to be a fairly small scale. Of course this might also be large scale industry using technologies we do not... t. Ms Gabriella Fabrik-Soffnagh (GFA) has had to be confined to quarters after a hysterical outburst
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