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Belgica Treasury Accounts @megagames:ad69
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====== Belgica Treasury Accounts ====== Prepared by Glitius Decianus ---- Valerius Asiaticus, the Governor of Belgica, has insisted that I keep a proper set of accounts for out Treasury that it may be audited by the [[Senate]] or Imperial Officials if required. I do not see why this need be done and I think that he did not trust me enough
Who Was Who? @megagames:ad69
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^Player ^ |Glitius Decianus |Procurator of Belgica |James Kemp | |Valerius Asiaticus |Governor of Belgica |Andy Reeve | |Fabius Fabullus |Legate, Leg... us Rufus |Military Governor of Germania Superior |Bernie Ganley | |Prospertius Cerealis |Procurator o... ecianus]] * The [[:megagames:ad69:accounts.html|Belgican Treasury accounts]] * [[:megagames:ad69:r
Glitius Decianus Fate @megagames:ad69
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the city & waited until the looting had finished before entering the city with the commanders of the Legions and Valerius Asiaticus, the Governor of Belgica. At this point the German Army Council was ... imed Emperor Vespasian announced that there would be no punishments for the troops. Decianus was made the scapegoat as he had paid the troops and not being of Senatorial rank lacked the necessary influe
Fabius Fabullus's Letters Home @megagames:ad69
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arest Mater\\ Honoured Pater I am well and we are being paid, but not, according to what I am being told, by Rome. The local governors are reported to be paying for the legions out of their own pockets. ... ecianus]] * The [[:megagames:ad69:accounts.html|Belgican Treasury accounts]] * [[:megagames:ad69:r
Letters to the Roman Senate @megagames:ad69
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vour of what they were telling the Emperor/Senate before they finally decided to march on Rome. =====... r\\ Greetings from Valerius Asiaticus [Governor Belgica] News from the Rhine Frontier. The troops have been paid - just - and are much displeased due to th... ntier towns were taxed directly and will no doubt be expecting payment of IOUs from the Treasury. Barb
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome @megagames:ad69
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ost from the Regional Revenue. The remining Funds being for road maintenance and keeping the locals co... ur Humble Servant, Glitius Decianus Procurator of Belgica Durocortorum, Belgica. ===== TO THE IMPERIAL TREASURY, ROME. OCT LXVIII. ===== The situation on the Rhine is grave. We have only been able to pay for 2 of our 7 legions. Should the
So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? @megagames:ad69
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holding the Imperial appointment of Procurator of Belgica. This meant that he was in charge of the fin... ecianus]] * The [[:megagames:ad69:accounts.html|Belgican Treasury accounts]] * [[:megagames:ad69:r
AD69 - Megagame Write Up
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is even more so, since the players will have you believe that they personally triumphed over all the ... 69:briefing|Glitius Decianus]], the Procurator of Belgica after the game. I also collected a number of... ]] the legate of Legio V, Alaudae and Defender of Belgica. The recovered papers are: * About [[:meg... ecianus]] * The [[:megagames:ad69:accounts.html|Belgican Treasury accounts]] showing (the official v
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