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Operation Boldly Go - Military
2 Hits, Last modified:
Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel
20 Hits, Last modified:
scientists on the 'BOLDLY GO' deep space mission. Below is the correspondence between the Earther admin [played by me at the moment] and Jurrien. ===== ... an Citizen' on its SSR entry documentation, is to be entered by me on to the ship's books of the IEN v... points? 1. What sex is 'Mr Steel' considered to be? Is 'he' male, having a Y-chromosome, or, as it
Operation Boldly Go
17 Hits, Last modified:
an candidates [ACTION REQUIRED BY YOU], which has been Presidentially approved. Please contact me if t... ANT LEAP. The Regiment's overall strength is 50% below establishment. [55 personnel in post] The 75... from a number of regiments and all personnel have been subject to the usual psychological screening. A... Naval Warfare School. She understands that it may be necessary to operate without combat robot support
Operation Boldly Go
39 Hits, Last modified:
eports of the return journey are not logged here, being largely technical data. Newest reports are a... other worlds (See attached map). These too have been probed, using the same method, by the robot pro... was pretty much identical, though there appear to be minor visual differences between individuals. The first (home?) world, Tiamat, has the most develo
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