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Senator Hilmi Ozkok
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Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH
31 Hits, Last modified:
included commanding the Imperial Guard Squadron, being enrolled in the Legion of Honour for a 'reactor leak', and being the victorious fleet commander in a battle aga... ears. As First Space Lord he took the option of becoming a probationary member of the Senate being sponsored personally by the First Citizen. He was ele
Earth Imperium Politics
10 Hits, Last modified:
rty, and some 25% of the CoR. The party tends to be conservative in nature, supporting the guiding pr... more liberal than the IP, and pushes for greater benefits for (including investment in) the governmen... rade, and cuts in defence spending. The party has been mariginalised in recent years, since the start ... e pressures of various lobby groups. The PP also believes in sorting out various constitutional irreg
Flag Captain Yaw Dumgya Ashanti
1 Hits, Last modified:
xtinguisher", she was born on a Thursday which is believed amongst her cultural group to signify brave
Government in the Solar Republic
3 Hits, Last modified:
Ministries| |Office of Martian Affairs |Senator Bernard Malvolio |Home Ministry| |Imperial Audit Of... fairs| |Ambassador to the New Mars |Senator Joni Beedan |Ministry of External Affairs| |Ambassador t
Armed Forces of the Imperium
3 Hits, Last modified:
round forces specialising in internal security and making sure that audits can be securing conducted.
Senator Lee Zhang
11 Hits, Last modified:
ran the Space Traffic Control facility on Phobos before being promoted to Group Captain in 3145 and serving several years as deputy Military Attache to t... === His cover was perfect for this role as he had been made a probationary Senator under the tutelage ... der the Treaty of New London. His latest move has been to prepare the ground for large-scale economic
Senator Sebastian Rathbone
7 Hits, Last modified:
his rise to the position of Foreign Minister has been meteoric, assisted in no small part by personal... s on foreign policy which no doubt influenced his being chosen for this, his first Ministerial post. ... roup of information and polling analysts who work behind the scenes to provide him with the most up to
Senator Bernard Malvolio
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== Senator Bernard Malvolio ===== Currently Head of the Office of Old Mars, leadership contender
Lord Bailey
4 Hits, Last modified:
ular audience. During the Ghandi Government he became a Junior Minister and was responsible for spo
Admiral Sir George Tryon, IEN
2 Hits, Last modified:
r of the Imperium Navy Intelligence (INI). He has been named as the Second Space Lord (designate) and
Sir Humphrey Fulbright
9 Hits, Last modified:
l servant with the Colonial Office and his career between postings at the Colonial Office on Earth and postings to Quadrant Governments. He has been in Quadrant 7 since 3195.367 when he was appoin... 3176 and worked in the Emigration Policy Division before being posted to Quadrant 6 in 3179 to be the Private Secretary to the Colonial Governor, a post w
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