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The Pashtun Tribe @rules:clwg:coin
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.1 million in 1995). The most numerous sub-groups being the Durrani and the Ghilzai. Like a number of oth... cities. Tribal elders were again ignored. Since being toppled in 2001, the Taliban have mercilessly tar
Awa' to the Hills @rules:clwg:1689
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Orange or Lemon? @rules:clwg:1689
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Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics @rules:clwg:1689
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support for either faction (with the middle lane being undecided). The other axis is just to differentia
Orange or Lemon? - General Briefing @rules:clwg:1689
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er to be the queen but Prince William insisted on being the King and not a prince consort)). The releva
The Three Estates @rules:clwg:1689:convention
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Orange or Lemon? - Design Notes @rules:clwg:1689
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in the streets overmuch. It focusses on the deals being made in the Convention and the efforts of [[:rule... r James, Black for William. The value of the card being the strength of support. Cards should be played f
George Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon @rules:clwg:1689:people
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ough unassuming and unambitious he has risen from being the Marquis of Huntly to a Dukedom (in 1684 on Cl
Letter from Prince William of Orange to the Scottish Convention @rules:clwg:1689:convention
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o their own advantage and the ruin of Britain. We being of the same opinion as to the usefulness of this
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