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Lt. Jacob 'Crackers' Kampf
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Darius Zehring
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Lady Aelfreda Pasco
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0 years and recently took over Hilmi Ozkok's seat being elected to the Senate in the 3211 elections. =
Senator Danso Ashanti
5 Hits, Last modified:
included commanding the Imperial Guard Squadron, being enrolled in the Legion of Honour for a 'reactor leak', and being the victorious fleet commander in a battle agains... n of becoming a probationary member of the Senate being sponsored personally by the First Citizen. He was... re invested in and people from Earth & Q0 systems being given free transport. There would be conditions o
Brittany Hevanitski
1 Hits, Last modified:
e forces' to remove her from Quadrant four. After being discharged, she served as the Director of Securit
Micheal Wilson
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== Wilson was the Defense Minister of Nose before being elected Chairman of the Council of Defense Minist
People listed by Occupation
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Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH
3 Hits, Last modified:
ttlefield. Karla went to the door of the building being used as a temporary aid post to call in the next ... Karla had received four or five wounds, the worst being a gaping abdominal wound from which she bled prof... carried an urgent case for 500 yards into safety, being wounded in the side by a shell splinter during th
Yehudi Sharan
3 Hits, Last modified:
the age of 13. He quickly became passionate about being a Cadet and lived only for the zero-G simulations... . Sharan was administratively discharged. Since being kicked out of the XMC for being over zealous Yehudi has wandered around eventually settling in Freeport
Universe Personalities
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Frank Buck
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Corps at the relatively late age of 26. Despite being older than most of the rest of his recruit cadre he did very well. His natural reactions being fast even by marine standards. Previous experienc... n served in the GFA Special Forces for four years being wounded twice (once seriously, once just a scratc... ne Corps he has taken a number of freelance roles being involved in the first Binni war and also a number
Senator Lee Zhang
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e Space Traffic Control facility on Phobos before being promoted to Captain in 3145 and serving several y
People by Nationality
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