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daprav:background [12 Aug 2018 12:42] – created jamesdaprav:background [12 Aug 2018 12:56] (current) – link to history james
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-==== Theocracy of Daprav ==== 
-==== A DND3e Campaign ==== 
 ====== Background to the Campaign ====== ====== Background to the Campaign ======
-The [[:daprav:background:Theocracy]] is an ideal state bordered by Barbarians. The God [[:daprav:background:Daprav]] looks after his people and ensures that no-one goes hungry and that all have a part to play in the great wheel of life. In many aspects, male, female and both or neither, Daprav looks after the people and ensures that all goes according to his grand plan.+The [[:daprav:background:Theocracy]] is an ideal state bordered by Barbarians, but [[:daprav:background:history|it wasn't always this way]]. The God [[:daprav:background:Daprav]] looks after his people and ensures that no-one goes hungry and that all have a part to play in the great wheel of life. In many aspects, male, female and both or neither, Daprav looks after the people and ensures that all goes according to his grand plan.
 All citizens go through a community service programme in their late teens, usually shortly after their 16th birthday. They spend a year working on a variety of community projects and trying their hand at a range of skills to see what they get on best at. They also get tested for their ability with [[:daprav:background:ministries|administration]] and at the end are selected for a suitable job. All citizens go through a community service programme in their late teens, usually shortly after their 16th birthday. They spend a year working on a variety of community projects and trying their hand at a range of skills to see what they get on best at. They also get tested for their ability with [[:daprav:background:ministries|administration]] and at the end are selected for a suitable job.
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