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Yngvild Helgasdotir
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====== Yngvild Helgasdotir ====== Yngvild is also known as Yngvild the Fierce, and she's the title and POV character for Fierce. She was adopted into [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]]'s household o... al servant and champion Yngvild the Fierce, Helgasdottir and Keeper of Secrets". ^ [[:skyss:welcom
The Alpins @skyss:chars:daels
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is 72 years old (born 702), and is currently a widower. He was married to Ealasaid Riata, his cousin ... e was well tutored, and his bannermen ran the Earldom until he was married in 716. His marriage to Eal... ally)) | 439 | ^ | treasury((how much money do they have right now)) | 136 | ==== Recent Hist... was necessary to ensure the integrity of the kingdom. In the years that followed the Earl spent most
The Nobles of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
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e volante shown smaller a tree proper | Per-pale double arched estoilly purpure and argent and estoil... [[:skyss:chars:daels:suibhne|Suibhne]], Earls of Douglas ^ [[:skyss:chars:daels:sioltach|Sioltach]]... have been drawn using [[]] which as well as having useful reference mate
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata @skyss:chars:daels
9 Hits, Last modified:
Dael Riata, and as such all the Earls of the Kingdom are expected to swear loyalty to him. He is a gr... ly)) | 4,858 | ^ | treasury((how much money do they have right now)) | 2,459 | ==== Recent Hi... ng the family lands and extirpation being made. Domnhall Murchadh and his brother Fearchar met the K... rce, and the [[:skyss:chars:daels:suibhne|Earl of Douglas]] was their host. After dinner the Suibhne f
Bhaltair Gilranald @skyss:chars:daels
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e present Earl's father was translated to the Earldom of Norpen, on the northernmost of the Easter Isl... osits. There's a lot of trading both with the Kingdom and more widely across the world. The Earl has... ually)) | 15 | ^ | treasury((how much money do they have right now)) | 14 | ==== Recent Histo
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