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The Pashtun Tribe @rules:clwg:coin
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n the Americans — mujahadeen commanders turned on each other and the Taliban emerged as a force that, th
Free Games Rules
3 Hits, Last modified:
his is down to the requirement on membership that each member must write at least one article for MilMud... - [[:clwg:milmud]]) and put on at least one game each year. I've been a member of CLWG since, I think,... . I'm pretty sure I've done at least two terms in each of those posts, but again I haven't been counting
Bounce Into Action: Rules for Company Sized actions @rules:wargames:universe
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n * capable of playing with multiple players on each side (min two each) ===== Level of Resolution ===== This should be two-down from the main action level... likely to be two or three combat capable craft on each side with perhaps one side having some shuttles t
Bounce Into Action: Morale @rules:wargames:universe
5 Hits, Last modified:
ed when one of the conditions mentioned below is reached, once morale has been tested once for a particu... there are multiple players on the same side then each player's troops form a separate group. When an... * first-time in hand to hand combat Roll 1d6 for each((i.e. the same roll should be applied to all co-l... ed officer present)) | +1 | Wearing HMA | +2 | | Each enemy casualty in sight (walking wounded or worse
Bounce into Action @rules:wargames
6 Hits, Last modified:
n * capable of playing with multiple players on each side (min two each) ===== Level of Resolution ===== This should be two-down from the main action level... likely to be two or three combat capable craft on each side with perhaps one side having some shuttles t... r assets ==== These should be very few in number. Each aircraft or shuttle should be individually repres
Bounce Into Action: Firing @rules:wargames:universe
4 Hits, Last modified:
| |Special Forces | +4 | in MA/HMA/cover | -2 | |Each officer((i.e. an individually based figure, includes specialists)) | +1 | Special Forces | -4 | |Each turn aiming((first turn doesn't count, only for S... manoeuvrability and loiter time. The modifier for each of these three is added together to get the basic... that can loiter get +1 to the hit probability for each turn that they remain in the Air Defence umbrella
Bounce Into Action: Infantry @rules:wargames:universe
6 Hits, Last modified:
round Forces using Heavy Mobility Armour (HMA). Each infantry group (stand) has a number of characteri... a single stand, they will also be harder to hit. Each infantry unit will also have a morale rating whic... rmal military training, or less than required to reach the next level. Units at this level that survive ... of Light Tactical Armour (LTA) and SLA weapons. | Each stand represents a squad of about 8 to 10 soldier
Bounce Into Action: Orders @rules:wargames:universe
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2" ==== Posture ==== Within the orders framework each of the stands controlled by a player must be give
Morale @rules:wargames:ww2
4 Hits, Last modified:
ed when one of the conditions mentioned below is reached, once morale has been tested once for a particu... * first-time in hand to hand combat Roll 2d6 for each((i.e. the same roll should be applied to all co-l... [two squares] or indirect fire/grenades | -1 | | Each friendly casualty in sight (walking wounded or worse) | -1 | | Each enemy casualty in sight (walking wounded or worse
Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics @rules:clwg:1689
10 Hits, Last modified:
====== Orange or Lemon? - Game Mechanics ====== Each complete game turn represents one day of the sitting of the Convention. Each of the phases represents a period of up to six ho... itions/correspondence - Conduct business (for each item of business in turn) - declare support... decided). The other axis is just to differentiate each of the pairs of cards that will be played. ====
The Three Estates @rules:clwg:1689:convention
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Orange or Lemon? - Design Notes @rules:clwg:1689
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face down by the umpire on a 5 lane grid. Before each card is placed the umpire should roll 1d6 and sub
The Three Estates @rules:1689:convention
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WW2 Company Actions @rules:wargames
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ergeant Major (CSM) and the Platoon Sergeants). Each of the units would then have two players, an offi
Logs @rules:wargames:ww2
1 Hits, Last modified:
the precise number of rounds will not be tallied, each stand will be allocated an ammunition state on it
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