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Operation Boldly Go - Military
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roop Transport (TPRI) Specialist Support [MSS Outreach] * Logistics Ship (LSSI) Mission Support [VSS A... s - PAC Flight (2) – Mission Defence (4 crated in each LSSI) ===== Marines ===== * Two national Marine Regiments attached; one each on ESS Odyssey and MSS Outreach. * Each other vessel will have a multinational UHTF Marine Group atta
Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel
1 Hits, Last modified:
nment of the Earther Empire has acnowledged its breach of the New London treaty and made a partial apolo
Operation Boldly Go
2 Hits, Last modified:
Operation Boldly Go
3 Hits, Last modified:
onse at Tiamat. The species (or the equipment) at each world was pretty much identical, though there app... ommunication with the Centauri legal team about breach of contract. The mission is preparing to return
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