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T83 - Sunshine Fund Established
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bject only to sufficient funds being available. Each of the eight quadrants outside Q0 will have their
T79 - Davo Delight
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T78 - Earth Increases Contribution to Long Range Detection Group
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ards from the FOB spending 200 days on the M25 of each system to build up a data picture. === Phase Thr
T78 - Q6 Full Audit Report Published
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T75 - Senator Rathbone Denounces Shattered Ceasefire at Amoss
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hoice, and constantly criticised the Imperium for each and every intervention (whether it to be to destr
T75 - First Citizen Welcomes Digger and Z179 to Empire
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Colonial Offices in Q8 - with an official banquet each on Earth early in 3209. After the official sig
T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report
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sation). The aliens (or the equipment) found at each world was pretty much identical, though there app
T74 - Foreign Office - Bright Future for Independent Colonies
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exercised in Q3 and Q8 with 6 x C5A dedicated in each Quadrant to assisting the moves of the special vo... will be receiving maximum level investment (16 SV each) from Earth and the focus of intense diplomatic e
T74 - President Potato visits Earth
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest
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han 50% of the first and second preference votes. Each party member casts only two votes. {{tag>T70 n
IEN Admiral Allen Exercises Against Exterminators Q5 3208.001-080
1 Hits, Last modified:
tandard' observed 50 days for the ESBs to destroy each major colony. The response of the exercise team w
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