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Glitius Decianus Fate @megagames:ad69
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tayed outside the city & waited until the looting had finished before entering the city with the comman... the troops. Decianus was made the scapegoat as he had paid the troops and not being of Senatorial rank
AD69 - Megagame Write Up
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tters found on the floor of the Senate]] after it had been sacked. These give an idea of what the other
Belgica Treasury Accounts @megagames:ad69
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t I paid the German Legions for a year after Rome had stopped sending us money. It was not my fault tha
So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? @megagames:ad69
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respects he was something of a traditionalist and had served with the legions in the past, acquiring a
Fabius Fabullus's Letters Home @megagames:ad69
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