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Skyss's World
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Skyss exists}} {{:skyss:places:skyss_world_north_hemisphere_v07_for_book_cover.png?1200 |A map of the northern hemisphere, click for the detail (this is a huge map... for each of the countries/states/major cities to help flesh out the map. I also went further with the
Board of Trade
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t and part commercial organisation that exists to help enable Skyssians to trade successfully and prof
Kingdom of Skyss
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t.png?100|}} ==== Government ==== Skyss is a non-hereditary Kingdom. Established almost 800 years ago it was founded by the [[heroes|College of Heroes]] to stabilise the area and ensure good government that supported trading rathe
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata
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. ===== People ===== Dael Riata is ruled by a hereditary monarch, which has been in the hands of t... lasdair_ranald|Alasdair V, Grand Duke of Reoch]]. He succeeded to the throne as a baby when his mother
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