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Mark Whitely
21 Hits, Last modified:
erraced house in East London on 23rd April 2046. The body was stripped of ID but running fingerprints and facial recognition (on what was left after a headshot) gave a 1:1 match with this identity. ===... g ===== Whitely triggered a GREEN REPORT flag on the police watch list when the ID was matched. The reason given was 'Foreign Military Contractor in UK'.
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== Characters ====== These aren't notes on all the characters, just the ones that I needed to share with other people. The primary characters in the story //Perfects// aren'
Gertrude Schepping
10 Hits, Last modified:
===== Gertrude Schepping ===== Born 21 May 2029 (16 years old when arrested in France by Gendarmerie on 22 April 2046). She was passed to CT12G custody and [[:perfects:natpo... ll officially at secondary school and living with her mother in [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye:apr22-schep
Chief Inspector Sophia Young
11 Hits, Last modified:
====== Leader of [[:perfects:natpol:ct12g]] and the senior officer (silver command) for [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye]]. A member of the [[:perfects:natpol:overview]] since 2034 she entered the Armed Response Command (ARC), gaining a bravery medal (QGM) for courage under fire as a c
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