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22nd April Interrogations
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terrogated by CT12G on 22nd April 2046 following their handover from Border Command at Folkestone. The interrogations were done under the provisions of [[:perfects:natpol:rope]]. ==== Gertrude Schepping ==== [[:perfects:chars:Gertrude_Schepping]],
Schepping Residence
9 Hits, Last modified:
===== Schepping Residence ===== A modest terraced house in the Camden area of North London. It is the registered address of [[:perfects:chars:gertrude_schepping]], a suspect in [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye]]
Eurostar Arrests
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ing suspiciously at Gare du Nord having come off the Eurostar. On questioning them it became clear that they were travelling as UK nationals, however their stories didn't make sense to the Gendarmerie and the
Operation Hawkeye
15 Hits, Last modified:
tion Hawkeye ====== ===== Origins ===== In 2044 the then Home Secretary (Chastity Woodham, CON) brought up the matter of the genetically modified children with the National Police Commissioner. She said that whil
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