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Mark Whitely @perfects:chars
21 Hits, Last modified:
erraced house in East London on 23rd April 2046. The body was stripped of ID but running fingerprints and facial recognition (on what was left after a headshot) gave a 1:1 match with this identity. ===... g ===== Whitely triggered a GREEN REPORT flag on the police watch list when the ID was matched. The reason given was 'Foreign Military Contractor in UK'.
National Police @perfects:natpol
30 Hits, Last modified:
====== National Police ====== There are fewer police services in the UK. England has a national police service overseeing specialist areas and cross border criminals. There are just over a dozen local police services across the country. National police deal with organised c
16 Hits, Last modified:
====== Perfects ====== Here are links for some of the background to my work in progress novel Perfects and some of the games and short fiction that I have also written in the same setting. * [[:perfects:natpol:overview]
Characters @perfects:chars
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====== Characters ====== These aren't notes on all the characters, just the ones that I needed to share with other people. The primary characters in the story //Perfects// aren'
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045 @perfects:natpol
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ence 2045 ===== Commonly referred to as RoPE 45. The regulations were updated following the UKIP manifesto commitment from the 2044 General Election and are intended to strike the right balance between the powers of the police an
22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
56 Hits, Last modified:
terrogated by CT12G on 22nd April 2046 following their handover from Border Command at Folkestone. The interrogations were done under the provisions of [[:perfects:natpol:rope]]. ==== Gertrude Schepping ==== [[:perfects:chars:Gertrude_Schepping]],
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
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===== Schepping Residence ===== A modest terraced house in the Camden area of North London. It is the registered address of [[:perfects:chars:gertrude_schepping]], a suspect in [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye]]
Gertrude Schepping @perfects:chars
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===== Gertrude Schepping ===== Born 21 May 2029 (16 years old when arrested in France by Gendarmerie on 22 April 2046). She was passed to CT12G custody and [[:perfects:natpo... ll officially at secondary school and living with her mother in [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye:apr22-schep
Monck Security @perfects:corp
6 Hits, Last modified:
ing key installations from a variety of threats. They also offer training & military advice for locally recruited security forces. Based in the UK they mainly work as a specialist sub-contractors for Control Risks Group. They specialize in multi-nationality operations, boas
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol
34 Hits, Last modified:
fied TOP SECRET and was authorised personally by the previous Home Secretary shortly after the [[:perfects:hephaestus:scandal|Hephaestus Scandal]] broke. [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young]], leader of a specialist
Eurostar Arrests @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
8 Hits, Last modified:
ing suspiciously at Gare du Nord having come off the Eurostar. On questioning them it became clear that they were travelling as UK nationals, however their stories didn't make sense to the Gendarmerie and the
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
15 Hits, Last modified:
tion Hawkeye ====== ===== Origins ===== In 2044 the then Home Secretary (Chastity Woodham, CON) brought up the matter of the genetically modified children with the National Police Commissioner. She said that whil
Chief Inspector Sophia Young @perfects:chars
11 Hits, Last modified:
====== Leader of [[:perfects:natpol:ct12g]] and the senior officer (silver command) for [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye]]. A member of the [[:perfects:natpol:overview]] since 2034 she entered the Armed Response Command (ARC), gaining a bravery medal (QGM) for courage under fire as a c
CT12G @perfects:natpol
22 Hits, Last modified:
== CT12G ====== CT12G doesn't appear on any published or charts for security reasons. ===== Chain o... ommander Coalfield]], a close personal friend of the Minister for Policing. She went to university with the Minister and shared a house with him. They both studied law, he became a
Hephaestus Genetics
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====== Hephaestus Genetics ====== Hephaestus were the main research group involved in developing a real application for the understanding of the human genome. Set up in the
Genetically Modified Humans Act 2044
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