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Orange or Lemon? - The Cast
4 Hits, Last modified:
====== Orange or Lemon? - The Cast ====== The list shows the main characters involved in the goings on in Scotland in [[wp>1689]]. Numbers shown thus //**[1]**//
Duke of Hamilton
7 Hits, Last modified:
====== Duke of Hamilton ====== ===== Offices Held ===== * Privy Councillor * 3rd Duke of Hamilton... r in Scotland ===== Reputation ===== * One of the large magnates of Scotland ===== Religion =====
George Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon
8 Hits, Last modified:
Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon ====== ===== Offices Held ===== * Constable of Edinburgh Castle =====... y and morally courageous, but tends to vacillate when course of action unclear ===== Religion ===== ... = Born 1642. Has performed military service with the French and Prince William of Orange before return... to Scotland. Although unassuming and unambitious he has risen from being the Marquis of Huntly to a D
Archibald Campbell, 10th Earl of Argyll
17 Hits, Last modified:
mpbell, 10th Earl of Argyll ====== ===== Offices Held ===== * Chief of Clan Campbell ===== Reputat... staunch Williamite * seeking to recover his father's estates and restore the Earldom of Argyll which was attainted when his father supported an uprising against King James VII in
John Graham of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee
26 Hits, Last modified:
rhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee ====== ===== Offices Held ===== * Commander in Chief of the Army * Privy Councillor * Constable of Dundee * Provost ... laverhouse' to many from his campaigning against the Covenanters in the South West during the 1670s and early 1680s. He is much hated by those who are Cov
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