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22nd April Interrogations
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heir handover from Border Command at Folkestone. The interrogations were done under the provisions of [[:perfects:natpol:rope]]. ==== Gertrude Schepping... s:Gertrude_Schepping]], GM, 16 and a juvenile. She claimed that she had been kidnapped by the other two and that she wanted to see her Mum. She gave a n
Schepping Residence
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pping Residence ===== A modest terraced house in the Camden area of North London. It is the registered address of [[:perfects:chars:gertrude_schepping]]... a Constable with him to pick up Mrs Schepping in the early evening of 22 April. On arrival he found no one in. This was confirmed by drone recce using TI.
Operation Hawkeye
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tion Hawkeye ====== ===== Origins ===== In 2044 the then Home Secretary (Chastity Woodham, CON) brought up the matter of the genetically modified children with the National Police Commissioner. She said that while they were an
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