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The Ministries
6 Hits, Last modified:
n is on merit and talent will rise to the top. It helps if you also know the right people and they res... **Deacon** (Usually in charge of towns or Section Head in a Ministry). Three silver stripes on coloure... deacon** (Usually responsible for a District or a Head of Division in a Ministry, there are around 250... f the country and travel regularly. Some are also heads of Colleges, smaller Ministries and Temples).
The Theocracy's History
1 Hits, Last modified:
t Narmaren. The Church Paladins lead by Sir Waldo held out against a force ten times their number for
8 Hits, Last modified:
to receive the ball. In all you need seven stout-hearted sportsmen to form your team. One must be des... conversant with the rules and spirit of the game. He shall be the sole determiner of what constitutes ... umpire find that a player is acting unfairly then he may stop play and award a penalty to the opposing team. He may also warn the player, and for extreme or repe
The Theocracy of Daprav
1 Hits, Last modified:
. It can get quite violent, although injuries are healed by magic during the game. Mage magic is frow
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