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Berlin 1953 @dg:berlin
4 Hits, Last modified:
re we went round the underground tunnels. It also helped with some of the building locations not shown... ed and expanded in its more or less current form. Here is the map that is current at the current point... e postcard views of Berlin in the summer of 1950. Here are those relevant to the game, although there
Add Item to Green Box @dg:greenbox
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Green Box Generator
44 Hits, Last modified:
The Golden Gate @dg:berlin
2 Hits, Last modified:
ager (PC) * [[:dg:berlin:millen|John Millen]] - head of security (PC) * [[:dg:berlin:horst|Gustav ... berlin:Parr|Captain Parr]] * [[:dg:berlin:Wolfe|Herman Wolfe]] - nazi researcher & [[:dg:berlin:murd
Tidying the Museum
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ot round to writing up how this scenario ran, but here are the bits of contemporary background that I
Democratic Army For Truth
5 Hits, Last modified:
ct based on a research establishment in the Outer Hebrides. The official story is that the researchers... ect was one Dr Johan Krauss (known as Joe Cross). He was taken to the US after the war and naturalised as a US citizen in the mid-1960s. He worked for the US government for his entire caree... n a variety of defence research projects and when he retired in 1985 he moved to the UK. [[:welcome|H
Herman Wolfe @dg:berlin
13 Hits, Last modified:
====== Herman Wolfe ====== Herman Wolfe was captured by the staff of the [[Golden Gate]] on the night of 4 June... streets away from the club. Following his capture he was brought back to the [[Golden Gate]] and quest... om the documents and evidence found in the cellar he was living in and also from some of the paperwork
Background @dg:berlin
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Jeb Washington @dg:berlin
3 Hits, Last modified:
r of the US Army, recently rpomoted to specialist he works in teh logistics side and drives trucks with supplies in them. He aslo does a bit of trading on his own account as he goes around. [[jeb|Player Info]]
Captain Parr @dg:berlin
2 Hits, Last modified:
se that's what the men in his family always do. He is currently assigned to Berlin working for Briti... ot one to take kindly to being denied his wishes. He tends towards sadistic violence and loves to inti
Ute Dietrich @dg:berlin
5 Hits, Last modified:
came in with a friend looking a bit younger than her declared 21 but still looking old enough to be l... cally fine but looked baffled when quizzed about her last menstrual cycle and had no idea about periods. Even when the doctor explained it to her she really didn't understand what he was on about. It would be late development but in the circums
George Ratcliffe @dg:berlin
1 Hits, Last modified:
s recently been discharged from the British Army. He now lives in Berlin and makes his living as the m
Tunnels @dg:berlin
2 Hits, Last modified:
Marian Nevodski @dg:berlin
5 Hits, Last modified:
polish free-lance photographer based in Berlin. He was born in Warsaw in 1915, studied maths at the ... rmy for two years as a Lieutenant before the war. He then returned to University to do his doctorate w... as interrupted by his recall to duty in 1939 when he fought against the Nazi invasion. He managed to escape from occupied Poland before the nazis got a fi
Discoveries in the Basement @dg:berlin
4 Hits, Last modified:
Narrative @dg:berlin
32 Hits, Last modified:
Murders @dg:berlin
2 Hits, Last modified:
Major Rollo von Hollman @dg:berlin
5 Hits, Last modified:
Documents from basement of the Golden Gate @dg:berlin
3 Hits, Last modified:
Gustav Horst @dg:berlin
24 Hits, Last modified:
Session dates @dg:berlin
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