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Mark Whitely
12 Hits, Last modified:
and facial recognition (on what was left after a headshot) gave a 1:1 match with this identity. ===... k Whitley was born in Newfoundland 26 Jul 2009. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2028 and served as an infantryman. He did the Commando course and then trained as a mortar fire controller. He left the CAF with the rank of Corporal in 2034.
1 Hits, Last modified:
haracters in the story //Perfects// aren't listed here, these are just supporting characters, some of
Gertrude Schepping
4 Hits, Last modified:
ll officially at secondary school and living with her mother in [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye:apr22-schep
Chief Inspector Sophia Young
4 Hits, Last modified:
ang members during an armed robbery and recovered her critically wounded sergeant. Her immediate first aid stablised his condition and prevented his death. She served as a Sergeant Instructor at Hendon before passing the Inspector exam with the highest mark in her cohort. She is a graduate of the Senior Officer
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