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Mark Whitely @perfects:chars
12 Hits, Last modified:
and facial recognition (on what was left after a headshot) gave a 1:1 match with this identity. ===... k Whitley was born in Newfoundland 26 Jul 2009. He joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2028 and served as an infantryman. He did the Commando course and then trained as a mortar fire controller. He left the CAF with the rank of Corporal in 2034.
National Police @perfects:natpol
3 Hits, Last modified:
als with monitoring the activities of [[:perfects:hephaestus|Genetically Modified]] people. [[:perfect
8 Hits, Last modified:
====== Perfects ====== Here are links for some of the background to my work in progress novel Perfects... * [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye]] * [[:perfects:hephaestus]] * [[:perfects:gm]] * [[:perfects:sm... luctantly still in the European Union (ironically held there by the Scots, Welsh & Northern Irish in a... result). The UK has given the world a [[:perfects:hephaestus|cure for cancer]] (albeit shared with oth
Characters @perfects:chars
1 Hits, Last modified:
haracters in the story //Perfects// aren't listed here, these are just supporting characters, some of
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045 @perfects:natpol
1 Hits, Last modified:
22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
26 Hits, Last modified:
apped by the other two and that she wanted to see her Mum. She gave a name and address in North London for her mother that matched her last known address. She said that her mum thought she was staying over with a school friend. However
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
1 Hits, Last modified:
ping in the early evening of 22 April. On arrival he found no one in. This was confirmed by drone recc
Gertrude Schepping @perfects:chars
4 Hits, Last modified:
ll officially at secondary school and living with her mother in [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye:apr22-schep
Monck Security @perfects:corp
1 Hits, Last modified:
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol
3 Hits, Last modified:
ious Home Secretary shortly after the [[:perfects:hephaestus:scandal|Hephaestus Scandal]] broke. [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young]], leader of a specialist ... 0:00 | East London | Drone operators report six heat signatures at the Chan address, with unusually
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
3 Hits, Last modified:
hat was elected on the wave of public horror that Hephaestus had got away with things, and had even ha... research approved, under the previous government. He took a much more hard-line approach. He directed that it would be appropriate for those confirmed as
Chief Inspector Sophia Young @perfects:chars
4 Hits, Last modified:
ang members during an armed robbery and recovered her critically wounded sergeant. Her immediate first aid stablised his condition and prevented his death. She served as a Sergeant Instructor at Hendon before passing the Inspector exam with the highest mark in her cohort. She is a graduate of the Senior Officer
CT12G @perfects:natpol
4 Hits, Last modified:
d shared a house with him. They both studied law, he became a barrister and she pursued a police caree
Hephaestus Genetics
16 Hits, Last modified:
====== Hephaestus Genetics ====== Hephaestus were the main research group involved in developing a real applica... hey also had research lines in curing a number of hereditary diseases and in improving human fertility. Hephaestus was a privately funded medical research c
Genetically Modified Humans Act 2044
7 Hits, Last modified:
ified Humans Act 2044 ====== When the [[:perfects:hephaestus|Hephaestus]] [[:perfects:hephaestus:scandal|Scandal]] broke there was a lot of fear-mongering by certain... as having been created (or modified in utero) by Hephaestus and other companies in the late twenties
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