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Operation Boldly Go - Military
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Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel
8 Hits, Last modified:
of the IEN vessel Odyssey. I wonder if you could help me clear up a few minor technical points? 1. What sex is 'Mr Steel' considered to be? Is 'he' male, having a Y-chromosome, or, as it is a mac... be quite capable to speak up for himself, should he consider himself to be mistreated (but you didn't hear this from me) We do understand your problems
Operation Boldly Go
15 Hits, Last modified:
nning Team, Sol From the President's Office, The Hexagon, Asteel I attach a consolidated version ... e any issues. The President and I look forward to hearing of the outcome. [Billy Bluestone, President... sion are female [50 of the total.] Lt Col Zola, herself, is a heavily-decorated veteran of numerous missions and is an expert in a number of military fi
Operation Boldly Go
9 Hits, Last modified:
fleet left from Earth until it turned for home. Here are the headline reports from the journey outbound. There were, obviously more detailed scientific... ts. Reports of the return journey are not logged here, being largely technical data. Newest reports... to quarters after a hysterical outburst based on her perception that winning a "meet the aliens" comp
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