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Space Battles Aide Memoire @universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine
1 Hits, Last modified:
l:doctrine:interception.xls|excel version}}] will help you optimise your intercept of the enemy force;
Second Space Lord @universe:earth:govt:mil
1 Hits, Last modified:
Admiralty @universe:earth:govt:mil
4 Hits, Last modified:
Admiral Ma Huan has recently (T73) taken over as Head of the Admiralty, previously he was the [[1SL|First Space Lord]]. ===== First Space Lord - Operati... and was previously the Director INI, before that he was the Commander CHF in Q7 and IEN CINC Q7. *
Constitution of the Solar Republic
9 Hits, Last modified:
- The Legislature ==== - All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a bicameral legisl... ach Senator shall serve for a ten year term until he reaches the age of 100. - Senators having ac... ouncil. The Speaker may nominate such deputies as he sees fit, but no more than four in total and all ... e First Citizen ==== - The First Citizen is the Head of State for the Solar Republic and the Chief O
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