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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War
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the colony and completely control the government, military, judiciary and police. \\ The Free Worlds Alliance is a fourteen world military alliance in Quadrant one and eight. \\ ===== Roa... ces involved ===== Z155’s largest force was a paramilitary force called the Crusader Corps. It numbered roug... eline Floralpattern. General Floralpattern has no military training or experience. \\ The Crusader Corps was
Lamster Summit Meeting
2 Hits, Last modified:
Council of Defence Ministers reported on Alliance military activity. The details of this report are classifi... dy has a de-facto common foreign policy and joint military infrastructure. This was welcomed by the summit,
1 Hits, Last modified:
ruction Corporation is located at Lamster. ===== Military ===== The [[:universe:7wda]] naval headquarters a
1 Hits, Last modified:
my ===== Ankh has a Below Average economy. ===== Military ===== Ankh maintains a militia division. {{tag>
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usion of other matters of common interest. ===== Military ===== Nose maintains an Internal Security Divisio
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aren't up to it don't expect to be employed. The military have very strict entrance requirements and it tak
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