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Lt. Jacob 'Crackers' Kampf
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eration Blackberry. Kampf was incarcerated with most of 130EMR following Op Blackberry. Along with a n
Angeline Floralpattern
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es === General Floralpattern’s time was divided almost entirely between the First Church of Earth and th
Senator Danso Ashanti
2 Hits, Last modified:
nclude: * **increased expenditure on the IEN**. Most likely on DDI and CVI as his command background has given him a view that these types are most useful. He will listen to what current Admirals w
Morris Miller
2 Hits, Last modified:
se of support regardless, and he is considered by most commentators a competent if not outstanding polit... ncing to invest in his campaign, which has relied mostly on donations. Miller ultimately lost the electi
Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH
3 Hits, Last modified:
Frank Buck
1 Hits, Last modified:
atively late age of 26. Despite being older than most of the rest of his recruit cadre he did very well
Senator Lee Zhang
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Year holiday for 3208 Senator Zhang, his wife and most of his household were arrested on suspicion of es
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