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The Alpins
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es, there are villages every couple of miles over most of the coastal areas and up the river Ard until t... ingdom. In the years that followed the Earl spent most of it either as regent, or as an adviser to the r
Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata
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ces:dealriata|Dael Riata]] and it has some of the most fertile farmland. On top of that there are royal
Bhaltair Gilranald
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anslated to the Earldom of Norpen, on the northernmost of the Easter Isles. This was an overtly politica
Iain Alpin @skyss:chars:daels:alpin
5 Hits, Last modified:
had her and her attendants arrested. Iain spent almost ten years in Berenicia before returning to Dalreo... Market in Dalreoch. ^ Gender((how they present most of the time)) ^ Hero ^ Allegiance ^ Role ^... ly clean shaven, albeit with a notable shadow for most of the day. He wears his hair long, usually braid... . His profession means he is muscular, and broad. Most of the time he is in armour, and carrying sword a
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