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Lt. Jacob 'Crackers' Kampf @universe:people
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eration Blackberry. Kampf was incarcerated with most of 130EMR following Op Blackberry. Along with a n
Hostile Exterminator Builder (HEB) space
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was ordered to conduct the operation as he deems most productive (and always ensuring the security of t
Background @universe:ifu:t22
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females - the potential income from this group if most of the eggs are grown to maturity is over 100,000
Logistics Support to the Combined Human Forces fighting in Sector EJ
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red for these efforts. There was commitment from most if not all polities at the summit. Implementatio
Our Man in Havana
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Report into Allegations that a Sentient Artificial Intelligence Device (SAID) was developed by the Greater Asteel Federation Colonial Government based at Over in Quadrant Five.
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r known international criminals who are wanted by most polities for crimes against humanity. Only two of... es Schmidt was the key player and should shoulder most of the responsibility. | <html><font color=red>Aw
The Bailey Report
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re and hardware. A long history of working on the most advanced technology about. Someone who could make
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Angeline Floralpattern @universe:people
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es === General Floralpattern’s time was divided almost entirely between the First Church of Earth and th
Master Map of the Universe 3212 @universe:background
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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War @universe:7wda
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ote, the Z155 Crusader Corps (ZCC) was founded. Almost immediately after its founding, the ZCC was impli... capitol. Resistance was sporadic and ineffective. Most ZCC soldiers ditched their uniforms and went home
Deadlock War of Unification @universe:q1:deadlock
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t this group covers the original landing site and most of the longest residents. It also has a fair numb... lony is of a significant size, having attracted almost 0.5 million colonists in the four years since it
Church of the Seventh Coming @universe:c7c
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tainly go for a fairly non-literal translation of most of the holy writings and see these as an attempt ... dly speaking the Church holds the following to be most likely true: * man has free will to either embr
Free Worlds Alliance
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nomy which provides a surplus of 30 SV each year, most of its settlers came from Earth. Typically the go... alliance fleet. Of all the FWA worlds, Damper has most benefited from the Alliance; when Damper joined i... and Damper now has a Rich economy, making it the most prosperous world in the FWA. It is protected by t
Z155 @universe:q8
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declaration of a state of emergency in late 3211. Most opposition politicians are in hiding and the FTP
Nearby Systems @universe:ifu
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T99 - The Lesser of Two Evils? @universe:havana
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Senator Danso Ashanti @universe:people
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Ankh @universe:7wda
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Spuk, Q8 @universe:q8
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Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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Nose @universe:7wda
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T93 - No Command Economy for Earth @universe:earth:news
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Morris Miller @universe:people
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Blue Hope Colony, T178, Q8 @universe:ifu:t24
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Killiekrankie @universe:7wda
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Economics of Megadon Ranching @universe:economics
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Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH @universe:people
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Advance Recce Report @universe:ifu:t22
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IMPERIAL HONOURS SYSTEM @universe:gf:earth
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Frank Buck @universe:people
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:people
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Imperial Party (IP) @universe:earth:politics
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Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH @universe:earth:people
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T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report @universe:earth:news
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T75 - Massive Expansion of IEN? @universe:havana
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T74 - Armstrong's Auditors @universe:havana
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Earth Imperium Politics @universe:earth:people
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Megadon Ranching
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Constitution of the Solar Republic @universe:earth:govt
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:earth:people
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Senator Sebastian Rathbone @universe:earth:people
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate @universe:earth:news
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Grand Admiral to Retire @universe:earth:news
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest @universe:earth:news
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Admiral Sir George Tryon, IEN @universe:earth:people
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Clewgist Temple, Goof Ball @universe:ifu
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