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Skyss's World
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===== Skyss's World ===== I've not drawn the whole world or put lots of detail in, I think it's best t... which Skyss exists}} {{:skyss:places:skyss_world_north_hemisphere_v07_for_book_cover.png?1200 |A map of the northern hemisphere, click for the detail (this is a... rawn. From the political boundaries I made some notes for each of the countries/states/major cities
King of Skyss
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female. ==== Relationships ==== === People === Notable people * [[:skyss:chars:king_thirfinn]]
Board of Trade
2 Hits, Last modified:
s a very large organisation, possibly the largest non-military one in the world. Broadly it has the fo... in full. ==== Relationships ==== === People === Notable people (from a story perspective). * [[:sk
Kingdom of Skyss
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crest.png?100|}} ==== Government ==== Skyss is a non-hereditary Kingdom. Established almost 800 years
Grand Duchy of Dael Riata
11 Hits, Last modified:
s a poor land sandwiched between mountains to its North and East, and the Sea on the West. To the sout... . This name harks back to the days when there was no difference between the Daels and the Skyss, and b... stand the ice often found in the waters off their Northern Cape. ===== People ===== Dael Riata is ... oimhe]], was forced to abdicate by a coalition of nobles. The [[:skyss:chars:daels:nobles|main nobles
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