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The Ministries
4 Hits, Last modified:
alent will rise to the top. It helps if you also know the right people and they respect your ability. ... inistration, stock control, cleaning, and other minor tasks. Above them are the various members of the... (lowest level of management - what the PCs are) Denoted by plain robes in the colour of their Ministry... the branches of the Church). Whatever they fancy, normal black robes with two thick gold stripes are t
The Theocracy's History
1 Hits, Last modified:
n and grew in strength as those that the King and Nobles had dispossessed and abandoned flocked to the
27 Hits, Last modified:
epitome of skill and teamwork combined with the renowned Dapravian sense of fair play make it an absol... yers also need to work well as a team and to have no fear of injury. You should choose the largest two... ss ought to be the stool-keeper as the 'keeper cannot flinch when the ball comes towards the stool. Th... ball and may even score from there. Last, but by no means least, come the attackers. These two are th
The Theocracy of Daprav
10 Hits, Last modified:
private enterprise but this is limited as the economy doesn't use cash. Instead each person has a res... travelling. As one would expect in a well run economy like that of Daprav, vagrants and poor people are non-existent. Everyone is well looked after (and in ... he difference between it and a God-given miracle. None of the PCs has ever come into contact with a ma
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