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Belgica Treasury Accounts @megagames:ad69
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itius Decianus ---- Valerius Asiaticus, the Governor of Belgica, has insisted that I keep a proper se... [Senate]] or Imperial Officials if required. I do not see why this need be done and I think that he did not trust me enough to make sure that there are funds sufficient to pay his legions. History has shown t
Who Was Who? @megagames:ad69
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Belgica |James Kemp | |Valerius Asiaticus |Governor of Belgica |Andy Reeve | |Fabius Fabullus |Lega... eter Howland | |Verginius Rufus |Military Governor of Germania Superior |Bernie Ganley | |Prospert
Glitius Decianus Fate @megagames:ad69
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r of the West' went to Rome when the Western Governors stopped him from receiving the tax incomes. Arr... s of the Legions and Valerius Asiaticus, the Governor of Belgica. At this point the German Army Counc... ame time the newly proclaimed Emperor Vespasian announced that there would be no punishments for the troops. Decianus was made the scapegoat as he had pai
Fabius Fabullus's Letters Home @megagames:ad69
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uined Senate house. The fate of his parents is unknown. ===== LETTER I ===== Dearest Mater\\ Honoured Pater I am well and we are being paid, but not, according to what I am being told, by Rome. The local governors are reported to be paying for the legions out o
Letters to the Roman Senate @megagames:ad69
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aesar\\ Greetings from Valerius Asiaticus [Governor Belgica] News from the Rhine Frontier. The troo... Many frontier towns were taxed directly and will no doubt be expecting payment of IOUs from the Treas... are at the "arse end" of his priorities. This is not likely to encourage loyalty to a man who would i... e problem in Gallia Lugdunensis. The current Governor is adamant that Rome's funds have been sent to R
GLITIUS DECIANUS' Correspondence with Rome @megagames:ad69
16 Hits, Last modified:
2 of our 7 legions. Should the barbarians attack now we would be unable to stop them. Please send 200 Talents now. Glitius Decianus Procurator of Belgica ==== T... y bonus missed 5 of our 9 Legions. They have also not received the celebratory bonus of 10 talents eac... dition to this 140 Talents I must humbly ask your noble selves to ask the Imperial Treasury to send su
So, Who was: GLITIUS DECIANUS? @megagames:ad69
9 Hits, Last modified:
AD69 - Megagame Write Up
7 Hits, Last modified:
m on Saturday 14th June 1997. As all historians know, primary sources are often good for giving you a... he others. AD 69 is particularly prone to this phenomenon. To this end I collected the papers of [[:megagames:ad69:briefing|Glitius Decianus]], the Procur... ius Decianus' letters to Rome]]. These give a chronological account to the Imperial Treasury & the Sen
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