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National Police
14 Hits, Last modified:
is London, CT2 South East, CT3 West Midlands, CT4 North West, CT5 East Midlands, CT6 East of England, CT7 South West, CT8 Yorkshire & Humberto, CT9 North East). * CT10 is a cyber support unit that ... imilar to those currently being used. However technological capability is much higher, so some things ... requirement for Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology (ACAT) to be fitted to all vehicles manufactu
Regulations on Police Evidence 2045
7 Hits, Last modified:
22nd April Interrogations @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
8 Hits, Last modified:
ed to see her Mum. She gave a name and address in North London for her mother that matched her last known address. She said that her mum thought she was s... t Pancras and Richard had brought the other man, known to both Richard and Gertrude as [[:perfects:cha... emainder. He hadn't told Schepping about the plan nor had he asked many questions of Chan. He claimed
Schepping Residence @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
5 Hits, Last modified:
=== A modest terraced house in the Camden area of North London. It is the registered address of [[:p... he early evening of 22 April. On arrival he found no one in. This was confirmed by drone recce using TI. The neighbours didn't know the names of the people living next door but sai... 23rd April 2046. Detailed forensic results are not yet available, however the house was found to be
Operation Hawkeye
12 Hits, Last modified:
===== Those responsible for the disappearance of known Genetically Modified subjects from surveillance. It is not clear exactly who these people are or how they a... n ^ Event ^ |23:00 \\ 21 April 2046 | Gare du Nord, Paris | [[:perfects:natpol:hawkeye:frencharre... nt is requested for his residence. | | 17:45 | North London | Inspector Howard arrives with a cons
Eurostar Arrests @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
2 Hits, Last modified:
ed up three people acting suspiciously at Gare du Nord having come off the Eurostar. On questioning th
Operation Hawkeye @perfects:natpol:hawkeye
8 Hits, Last modified:
iately. The result of this was surveillance of known GM people, using powers in the [[:perfects:gm]]... rouble. The current Home Secretary (Rupert Goodenough, UKIP) is in the coalition government that was... ===== Those responsible for the disappearance of known Genetically Modified subjects from surveillance. It is not clear exactly who these people are or how they a
6 Hits, Last modified:
er Coalfield, bypassing the Superintendent who is not cleared for the activities of CT12G. This is un... = Amongst CT personnel CT12G has a reputation for not following proper police procedures and for using... y the recruitment process it uses is neither fair nor open. All of its personnel have been hand picked... on CT12G have the highest clear up rate in CT and none of their convictions have been overturned on ap
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