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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War
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r ===== Violence between the First Earthers and minority Satanists has marred Z155’s history since at least 3207. The FWA’s Chairman Jackson was known to be unhappy with Z155’s complete domination b... ght Party to remain in power. Still, the FWA took no direct action against the Z155 regime. It was a s... 10% voted to join some other polity and 37% voted no. This result surprised the CSP, who expected an e
Lamster Summit Meeting
12 Hits, Last modified:
The IFF Treaty f. Developing closer economic ties with the UoX 3. The situation on Lon Cha... that the name "Seven Worlds Defense Alliance" was no longer appropriate. The name "Free Worlds Allianc... declassified in a year or two. Evidently, it did not include authorization for an attack on the DCLC ... y. 4. Despite Chairman Jackson's strong support, none of the worlds thought this was worthwhile. The
After Action Report on the Floralpattern Convoy Ambush, Z155 @universe:7wda:z155war
11 Hits, Last modified:
e residence (around 50m, with two troopers on the Northbound road, another two on the edge of the garden and the remainder in between about 40m from the r... , although both of us were only scratched and are now fine. The left flank troopers closed on the bunk... rapidly over-powered. The sangar defenders took another casualty and then the HMA back up force came
61 Hits, Last modified:
amconf]] which established the alliance as it is known today. ===== Government ===== The Diet of Lam... the Chief Executive was Jackson Imig. ===== Economy ===== For many years a very poor colony but recently Lamster's economy has improved recently, largely as a result of b... er trading group. Today it has a Below Average economy. A civilian repair yard owned by the Hyama Rec
6 Hits, Last modified:
which usually speaks for the colonies. Due to the non-unitary natural of their politics, it can take a... Richardson (NCA and an anti-Federalist) and Governor Hans Spierhoofd (AC5.) The FAC has no head of colony, only a legislative branch. Ankhian politics is also notable for having a small but active Natural Rights
23 Hits, Last modified:
====== Nose ====== Nose is a world in Quadrant 1 in the [[:universe:7wda]]. ===== Government ===== Nose has a Xyonist-style bi-cameral and federal gove... Moises Portie. Some politicians in the FWA regard Nose as a bit soft on pirates. Nose has a close rela
34 Hits, Last modified:
anity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game.// //None of the material on this domain is canon unless Jim says so.// ^ ====== Killiekrankie ====== =====... hird planet is the only one inhabited by humans, known as Dundee. It has an M25 of 23 AU and a populat... se recruit only from outside the system or those known to be social outcasts. The policy exists becaus
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