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Earth Imperium News Items
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Randomly Generated Officers
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8); $BirthGender=$Gender; $GenderChanged="No"; if($Gender==0) { $GenderChange
T99 - First Minister Ashanti's Resignation speech @universe:earth:news
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on to those small and less fortunate systems that no-one else cares about. This is the true mission of... we want to be self-serving oligarchs?" "I don't know about you, but I when joined the Navy back in 31... t those freedoms and our entire way of life. Even now I would gladly sacrifice myself if that would he... ecessary protections are offered to those that cannot protect themselves, as well as to our own citize
T99 - 3211 Election Results - Council of Senators @universe:earth:news
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the second quarter (by 3211.201). But, unusually no decision has yet been reached on the post of Fir... followed by the selection of new Ministers, Governors and Ambassadors. 3211 has seen some signifi... ays been a rapid decline. But, for the time being no other party is now able to come close to competing with the Imperial Party. The Citizen Party has suf
Space Battles Aide Memoire @universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine
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is still possible to get an intercept but you may not be able to keep them in battle range for long if... overmatch the incoming strike team; * close in (no more than one flight per vessel) is useful, but i... if done at all; * a tight group of vessels, but not overlapping, gives an effective CSP umbrella (in... can react to an attack on as many as possible (if not all) ships; * remember that the one shot pacif
Earth Imperium of the Solar Republic
7 Hits, Last modified:
===== Background ===== * [[:universe:GF:earth:honours]] * [[:universe:GF:earth:orgs|Organisation o
T93 - No Command Economy for Earth @universe:earth:news
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====== T93 - No Command Economy for Earth ====== dateline: 3211.040 First Minister Ashanti spoke to the Senate telling them that there was no way that Earth was going to move to a command economy, we had fought wars to avoid such a slide in th
T93 - We Are At War @universe:earth:news
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ose in the front line. The more than we sacrifice now, the faster our victory will come. {{tag>T93
T89 - Retirment of Admiral Hamill @universe:earth:news
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T83 - Sunshine Fund Established @universe:earth:news
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ne: 3209.300 Hookum, Q1 First Minister Ashanti annouced today that he had mandated the establishment ... tion at the discretion of the local Quadrant Governor. The eligibility criteria are: * the colony is independent; * there are no other polities investing in the colony; * there... nt, resources or personnel are required; It does not matter where in a Quadrant the colony is located
Old News
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====== Old News ====== Not quite old enough to properly call history, but certainly not news... All shown in reverse chronological order, newest at the top and oldest at the bottom. =====
T82 - First Minister Condemns Nuclear Attack @universe:earth:news
8 Hits, Last modified:
ear weapons against people in Q2. This is clearly not something that we can either condone nor allow to go unpunished. " ===== Atomic Atrocity ===== The
T80 - Ashanti Assures Hookum @universe:earth:news
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T79 - Davo Delight @universe:earth:news
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T77 - IEN New Year Honours @universe:earth:news
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T77 - IEN Promotions and Postings @universe:earth:news
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T75 - Armstrong Actions Audited @universe:earth:news
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Senator Hilmi Ozkok @universe:earth:people
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Imperial Party (IP) @universe:earth:politics
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Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH @universe:earth:people
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T75 - Boldly Go Mission Report @universe:earth:news
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Earth Imperium Politics @universe:earth:people
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Government in the Solar Republic @universe:earth:people
38 Hits, Last modified:
Second Space Lord @universe:earth:govt:mil
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Admiralty @universe:earth:govt:mil
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Armed Forces of the Imperium @universe:earth:people
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Constitution of the Solar Republic @universe:earth:govt
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:earth:people
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Senator Lee Zhang Cleared @universe:earth:news
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Senator Sebastian Rathbone @universe:earth:people
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IEN New Constructions to 3208.149 @universe:earth:news
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate @universe:earth:news
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New Constructions to 3208.049 @universe:earth:news
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New Year at Home for the 22nd! @universe:earth:news
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Grand Admiral to Retire @universe:earth:news
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IEN Construction Plans for 3208 @universe:earth:news
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest @universe:earth:news
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Senator Bernard Malvolio @universe:earth:people
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Lord Bailey @universe:earth:people
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Earth News
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Admiral Sir George Tryon, IEN @universe:earth:people
15 Hits, Last modified:
Minutes of the Potomax Summit 3198.231 - 239
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Sir Humphrey Fulbright @universe:earth:people
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